Plantar Fasciitis
How Can An LMT Help With Plantar Fasciitis Massage?
When left untreated, the condition can become extremely painful and even debilitating for some. But it is a treatable condition, and Plantar Fasciitis Massage can be incredibly beneficial for sufferers.
For many, the first reaction is to use painkillers, but that never fixes the root cause of the injury. That’s why by getting a plantar fasciitis massage from a Registered Massage Therapist, you get immediate symptom relief and support and advice to prevent it from coming back.
Here are 5 ways an LMT can help:
#1: Reduce tissue pain and tenderness
Massage is beneficial for helping to relieve the pain and tenderness caused by plantar fasciitis. It works by loosening the tendons and ligaments in the area, which have become tight. In doing so, the pain is relieved quite noticeably.
Massage also helps to strengthen the muscles in the lower leg and foot. This helps to stabilize the foot and heel. As the muscles, ligaments, and tendons grow stronger, it helps prevent the condition's recurrence. Prevention, as they say, is better than a cure!
#2: Reduce Swelling
Aside from pain and tenderness, another common symptom of plantar fasciitis is swelling around the heel and ankle. While not necessarily painful or uncomfortable, swelling can cause issues with wearing appropriate footwear or even problems with mobility.
A Plantar Fasciitis Massage can reduce the swelling by helping to release the build-up of fluid in the area. And where the swelling is a direct result of the inflammation caused in the tendons, massage can certainly help reduce this.
#3: Suggest helpful exercises
An LMT will take a holistic approach to your treatment by assessing your existing mobility and movement. As part of your treatment for plantar fasciitis, the LMT will recommend exercises and gentle activities that you can do at home to continue the treatment of the condition.
#4: Assess your footwear and make recommendations
One of the main reasons a person suffers from plantar fasciitis is because of their footwear. Therefore, as part of your ongoing treatment plan with an LMT, they will assess your current footwear and recommend footwear more suitable for you.
Footwear needs to be supportive and sturdy, especially if you are on your feet all day. It may be that you require arch support or a wider-fitting shoe. The right shoe is essential and will help to prevent relapses of the condition in the future.
#5: Improve overall well-being
Many Plantar Fasciitis sufferers find the pain most excruciating immediately after taking their first steps in the morning, or after prolonged periods off their feet. This isn’t the most positive way to start your day and can leave you feeling down. But, with the help of an LMT and a Plantar Fasciitis Massage, your symptoms can be reduced or completely cured, putting a smile back on your face again.
Experiencing pain when you walk can prevent you from doing physical activity, affecting your overall health and well-being. When your LMT can help you find relief from Plantar Fasciitis, you remove the physical barrier to getting adequate exercise. It’s then up to you to work on the mindset piece of your physical fitness to improve your overall well-being.
If you're experiencing foot or heel pain when you get out of bed each morning, don't suffer in silence any longer. Get in touch with us and book your Plantar Fasciitis Massage today and immediately feel the benefits!